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Sumathi Ravi Raj

PhD Scholar, PMRF Fellow 



F73B, Dr P Anil Kumar, Dept of Biochemistry,

School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad. 

Sumathi's Research work

Sumathi's research emphasis has been on understanding the significant insights about the glomerular filtration barrier in health and diseases such as diabetes kidney disease (DKD) of Unknown origin. Diabetes affects more than 10% of the world's population and is characterized by hyperglycemia either with the absence of insulin or its resepctor. Dr Anil's lab and others have shown that diabetes is presented with elevated Growth Hormone, a characteristic feature observed in 30% of type 1 diabetes population. And employing human glomerular podocytes as a non canonical target of growth hormone sumathi intends to investigate the source of  calcium influx into podocytes, which eventually results in the compromised cytoskeletal architecture, ultimately manifesting in proteinuria.
She employs multidisciplinary approaches for understanding:

1) Investigate the intracellular distribution of calcium in podocytes of DKD and

2) Elucidate the role of calcium dynamics in mitochondrial biology of DKD.

She extensively utilizes cell and molecular biology tools, confocal microscopy, electrophysiology, genomics approaches and in vivo animal models for addressing the research problems. 

Work Experience

Nov 2020 - (Present)

July 2018 - June 2020

July 2015 - May 2018

PhD Scholar,

University of Hyderabad,

Hyderabad, Telangana - 500046.

M.Sc in Biochemistry,

University of Hyderabad, 
Hyderabad, Telangana - 500046

B.Sc in Microbiology, Genetics & Chemistry
Bhavan's Vivekananda Degree College
Hyderabad, Telangana - 500046.


  1. Rajkishor Nishad, D. M., Srinivas Kethavath, Sumathi Raviraj, Atreya S.V Paturi, Manga Motrapu, Sreenivasulu Kurukuti. (2022). Podocyte-derived TNF-⍺ mediates monocyte differentiation and contributes to glomerular injury. The FASEB Journal

Awards & Fellowship:

  • Best oral award at the International Conference on Reproductive Biology, Comparative Endocrinology and Development for the poster titled "Podocyte-derived TNF-⍺ mediates monocyte differentiation and contributes to glomerular injury." (September 2022)

  • Best poster award at the International Conference on Frontier Areas of Science and Technology for the poster titled "Podocyte-derived TNF-⍺ mediates monocyte differentiation and contributes to glomerular injury." (September 2022)

  • Best oral award at the International Conference on Advances in Genetic Diagnosis in the Era of OMICS for the poster titled "Podocyte-derived TNF-⍺ mediates monocyte differentiation and contributes to glomerular injury." (August 2022)

  • Recipient of Prime Minister Research Fellowship. (April 2022)

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Image by National Cancer Institute

©2022  Laboratory of Investigative Nephrology.

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